About the new equation of contact angle (EN) / О новом уравнении краевого угла смачивания (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: It has been shown that on the basic of physical characteristics solid / liquid / vapor system cannot be seen as the thermodynamic. It is a kind of mechanical system. With the use of molecular-kinetic theory we obtain a new equation of the equilibrium contact angle of the following form: Cosθ0 = (σA – σLS)/ σLV, where σA is adhesive force on the surface of a solid boundary with steam; σLS, σLV is a surface tension force of liquid at the boundaries section liquid/soiid and liquid/vapor phases respectively Based on experimental data we obtained a clear unambiguous relationship between Cosθ0 and adhesion strength σA: error of test point scattering with respect to approximating line does not exceed 1%.

// Materials of the XI international research and practice conference "Science, Technology and Higher Education". October 19-20, 2016. Westwood, Canada. P. 138-143.