Physical principles of the new wetting theory (EN) / Физические основы новой теории смачивания (RU)

Разработана новая теория смачивания и получено новое уравнение краевого угла. Она основана на механической концепции Т. Юнга. С помощью новой теории открываются перспективы для разработки новых гладких покрытий с краевыми углами смачивания θ0 > 1300.

Preliminary assessment of the possibility of obtaining boundary air superfluidity by coating (EN) / Предварительная оценка возможности получения пограничной сверхтекучести воздуха с помощью покрытия (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: By analogy with the flow of liquid, an approximate method for estimating the energy characteristics of air pseudo-liquid has been developed. It is shown that in order to obtain the boundary superfluidity of air, the protective coating must have very low values of the dispersion component of the surface energy: ~ (1-3) MJ/m2.

// Science and World. 2023. № 4, p. 8-11

Hanging liquid drop (EN) / Висящая капля жидкости (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: From the perspective of Young's mechanical concept, physical model of the formation and development of hanging drop has been proposed. Method for calculating the growth dynamics of the hanging drop at the first stage with the predominant effect of adhesion forces has been developed. It has been shown that the dimensions of the hanging droplet depend substantially on the roughness of the hard surface.

// Science and World. 2022. № 9, p. 12-15

Estimation of hydraulic losses during water flow in a tray with a superhydrophobic coating (EN) / Оценка гидравлических потерь при течении воды в лотке с супергидрофобным покрытием (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: It has been experimentally obtained that in the turbulent regime of water flow in an open tray with a textured hydrophobic coating, the dependence of the hydraulic resistance coefficient on the Reynolds number corresponds to the quadratic law of resistance due to the influence of only one surface roughness.

// Science and World. 2022. № 5, p. 8-12

Estimation of the values of the adhesion forces of a solid hydrophobic surface when a liquid (water) slides (EN) / Оценка величин сил адгезии твердой гидрофобной поверхности при скольжении жидкости (воды) (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: For the first time, quantitative results on the value of the boundary adhesion forces at the beginning of water sliding on a solid hydrophobic surface are obtained: σAr = 15,5 мН/м. A significant, almost six-fold decrease in the cohesion forces acting on the surface molecules of the liquid is shown during the transition from the spreading of the drop to the laminar flow of water.

// Science and World. 2021. № 3, p. 8–12

Examples of liquids superfluidity in nature (EN) / Примеры сверхтекучести жидкости в природе (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: The conclusions of [7] about the great strength of the dolphin's tail do not stand up to criticism from the point of view of the energy efficiency of its movement. It is shown that the speed and economy of dolphin movement can be explained by the appearance of superfluidity of the flowing water flow.

// Science and World. 2020. № 11, p. 8–10

Basic conditions for obtaining superfluidity of ordinary liquids under normal atmospheric conditions (EN) / Основные условия для получения сверхтекучести обычных жидкостей при нормальных атмосферных условиях (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: For the first time in science, the necessary and sufficient conditions for obtaining the superfluidity of ordinary liquids under normal atmospheric conditions are formulated. It is shown that superfluidity of liquids is impossible on textured superhydrophobic coatings.

// Science and World. 2020. № 10, p. 22-24

Physical causes of water flow separation from the walls in a tray with a superhydrophobic coating (EN) / Физические причины отрыва потока воды от стенок в лотке с супергидрофобным покрытием (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: It is shown for the first time that when a liquid (water) slides along a hydrophobic surface, a turbulent boundary layer does not appear on it. For the first time, the physical reason for the lack of influence of liquid sliding on the reduction of the friction resistance of a textured hydrophobic coating under a turbulent flow regime has been established.

// Science and World. 2020. № 8, V. 1, p. 8-10

On heat of wetting (EN) / О теплоте смачивания (RU)

V. K. Verkholomov

Abstract: As a result of the analysis, it is shown that when a drop spreads in the solid/liquid/vapor system, the same horizontal and vertical adhesion forces simultaneously act on the side of the solid surface particles. The heat of wetting is equivalent to the work of vertical adhesion forces.

// Science and World. 2020. № 7, V. 1, p. 8-11